Why Homeless People Are Getting Hotel Vouchers
by Tori Sheridan
Being Homeless
There are so many homeless people in the world. Some places help the homeless with hotel vouchers, but even with the hotel vouchers, it is still too many homeless people and not enough housing. A website named, “ Policy Advice” mentions that 17 out of every 10,000 people are homeless in the USA. People are not homeless just because they are addicted to drugs, or because they are alcoholics. People are homeless for several reasons. I hate when a person looks down on a homeless person and acts like they are better than them. There are fires, loss of jobs, illnesses, and several reasons people can be homeless. Please do not look down on the homeless. It could be you one day.
Hotel Vouchers
Today you will notice a lot of homeless people getting hotel vouchers. People wonder why these homeless people are receiving vouchers to stay in hotels. I have stayed in 2 hotels myself, and I can tell you why I received a voucher. The 1st time I was homeless in Delaware with 2 children. I called the Delaware social service department and told them I was homeless. They then sent me to a hotel to stay. However, I had to call them every week, and tell them what I was doing to find a place to live. They went week by week, and it was stressful. At…